
I came across your blog unexpectedly through some Facebook rabbit hole and read all of the public posts just now. My heart breaks for your loss of Amirah Rayne. Another mama I know of also lost her daughter because of an incompetent midwife a few years ago, and I have some friends and acquaintances who have also experienced birth injuries or still birth as a result of birthing center idiocy.

I want to support your goal of holding RBC accountable. Is there someone I can reach out to or email/call to help push an investigation? Are you crowdfunding for a lawyer? Does the DA know about this case?

I commend you for the work you’re doing to advocate for accountability and transparency while you wade through impossibly difficult grief.

Amirah was beautiful. Crying alongside you for all you’ve been through.

Please let me know how I can help advocate for her.

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Hi Ashley,

Thank you for reaching out to us! We have filed complaints with several state agencies, gone to the police twice, and exhausted our will to secure a civil attorney because there is no malpractice-liability insurance and no attorney wants to pro bono just to get the case on the record. Even with a civil judgment, it would be extremely difficult to collect. Ultimately this case should be a criminal matter involving willful misconduct and, at the very least, criminally negligent homicide of Amirah and attempted of Rachael. These women (& the pervert husband) belong in jail! We have not directly contacted the D.A. since our efforts with the police went nowhere. Please reach out directly to Rachael at rachael.starr@gmail.com to discuss and brainstorm.

~G. Toni

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